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Sponsor information

Shamrock Shuffle Friends and Family Sponsor - $50

This guarantees your name/logo on our friends and family sponsor banner

Shamrock Shuffle Silver Sponsor - $100

This guarantees your name/logo on the 5k shirt, on the sponsor banner, and one free shirt

Shamrock Shuffle Gold Sponsor - $150

This guarantees your name/logo on the 5k shirt, on the sponsor banner, on the gold sponsors banner, and 1 free t-shirt  

Shamrock Shuffle Diamond Sponsor - $200

This guarantees your name/logo on the 5k shirt in the second largest print, sponsor on the sponsor banner, a small individual sign, and 1 free t-shirt

Shamrock Shuffle Platinum Sponsor - $300+

This guarantees your name/logo on the 5k shirt in the largest print, on the sponsor banner, a large individual sign, and 1 free t-shirt


or, make a check payable to Beech High School and include two phone numbers on the check. 

You can mail or drop off  check/cash to: Kassie Coffee at Beech High School 3216 Long Hollow Pike  Hendersonville TN 37075

Please email before purchasing about sponsoring 

Please fill out form above and email to

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